About me

Hello…My Friend’s
I want introduction my self my name is Adha ona mardiana.My friend usually calls me ona.I live with my parent.I live at Triyagan RT 03/RW 07 Sukoharjo,Mojolaban.I was born on 29st march 1999 in karanganyar.I’am fourteen years old.I’am singIe.From child second three brotherhood.I am have two sister and one brother.Two sister is Ariska mardi lianti,and Nimas kalista maidi paweling ngabekti,and one brother is Dahsyat Abraham muhtadi.I am child from Mr.Sumardi and Mrs.Muji.I’am in the first  year of Homescooling Griya Nusantara.Iam 1.59 metres tall.I am 36 kilograms.My physical high but thin.Hair phase and short.My hobby singing,manuscipicture.And I like fabricated poetry.
I like lesson computer,because funny and draw.My aspirebecome  industrialist success. Favorite food is rice fried and egg.I am no like food is shrimp,because  formely moment eat shrimp my tongue felt itch.My favorite animal is rabbit and butterfly. I am no happiness animal is snack.My favorite color is pink,red,and white. I am formerly once school in SDN 03 Jaten,but after pass I am direct carrying in Sbr Griya Nusantara.In here I am having friend intimate is nisa dwi mardavi.She very funny and gratify. I am also often tell a story with nisa. 


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